Investing in our sustainable future


Since our founding in 1999, Rocket Exhibitions has been focused on finding ways to be efficient in manufacture as well as installation and dismantle.

Every exhibition stand design is a study in waste minimisation. Can we remanufacture existing materials for a new design? Can we source materials with a long life span, choosing higher grade materials for their ability to withstand reuse? When we pack, how do minimise weight and packing to keep costs in transport and storage low, and minimise the waste to landfill at the exhibition hall?


These key objectives have lead to innovations. For instance, working with a speciality flooring firm who remanufacture floor tiles from old carpet, creating a circular model which minimise the waste carpet going to landfill.

We working closely with all of our suppliers to identify waste reduction opportunities to minimise our carbon footprint. In our experience, more carbon means more cost and its vital we offer our customers value, keeping costs in check and therefore lowering our impact on the environment.


And this takes us to our latest investment in production. Following our business review using the Sustainability Seek™ tool by Harmonics, and a strategic review of our manufacturing process by new Head of Exhibitions Billy Jack, we decided to invest in three areas:

  1. A wood waste burner, capable of heating the factory and fuelled by offcut wood which we would have had to pay to dispose of

  2. Upgraded LED lighting, improving the environment for the team and reducing our energy use

  3. A new panel saw calibrated for precision cutting, reducing the wasted cuts and speeding the manufacture process, increasing our capacity

Looking forward

We expect to see significant savings and waste reductions over the next 12 months. There are other benefits to investing in low carbon production as we have.

  • Improved working conditions for the team

  • Greater flexibility in design choices

  • Opportunities to invest in more technology to improve the quality of our work

2023 is a pivotal year for the company and we pursue net zero, and we look forward to what is up ahead. To learn more, click on the video to see what we are doing.

Sustainability for us means the ability to build and rebuild a strong business serving the needs of our customers. We will sustain when we focus on reducing our impact on the environment, which is an impact on our bottom line, and we prioritise efficiency, always.
— John Stirling, Managing Director